Posts about photographic workshop

  • It’s been a while now since I’ve led a photo workshop. But Pascal from the Photo International Club Zurich asked nicely earlier in the year and so we found a weekend which would work out for us both.

  • Now that the weather is turning fine again, it’s time for a new photo course. I’m collaborating with the Photo International Club Zurich to run an all-day course on my usual topic – portraiture and lighting on location – on Sunday, 11th May in Zürich city.

  • The idea behind the workshop I ran in Zurich a few weeks ago was to get away from lugging around loads of lighting gear and heavy camera equipment. I hadn’t done an extensive portrait session with my Fujifilm X100 and I arranged this workshop so that I and other users of smaller cameras could give…

  • A quick reminder to those whose minds may have been on the glorious summer we’ve been having, that we are meeting in Zurich this Sunday for a day of portraiture. The theme is “Keep It Simple“: taking portraits on location with a minimum of equipment. Details A Facebook event entry is here. Please sign up if…

  • Thanks to all of those who have completed the Doodle poll mentioned in a previous post, the date for our next meetup has been chosen as Sunday, 25th August at the Blatterwiese park in Zurich. Members of Facebook can sign up for the event and discuss it on my Facebook page; alternatively, please feel free to leave…

  • Leila Licks, MFO park photo workshop

    It’s been a while since my last photo workshop and so it’s definitely time for another! I’ve spent a lot of time over the past year getting used to a simpler workflow and getting used to my Fuji X100 and since doing so, I’ve constantly been reminded how easier and how much more fun it…

  • Yesterday’s free portrait and lighting workshop at the Rolex Learning Centre in Lausanne was an unmitigated success, with just the right amount of photographers taking part to allow everyone to make new friends, work well together, and come up with some great shots.

  • The second of two photographic portraiture and lighting days this summer will take place at the Rolex Learning Centre on the grounds of the EPFL in Lausanne on Sunday 19th August.

  • Our workshop day this past Sunday was a great success, after the rain passed away from the MFO Park in Oerlikon some ten minutes before we started! Blazing sunshine soon warmed the area and gave us plenty of light to work with, so the day was spent mainly working with a mixture of natural sunlight…

  • Thanks to all of those who toook part in a Doodle survey, the dates have now been set for the first of the on-location lighting and portraiture days here in Switzerland.

  • After a break of almost two years, and a handful of small lighting courses both on location and in the studio, I’ve decided to organize another free day of photography and learning in the style of the Swiss Strobist days.

  • Studio workshop

    I ran the latest of my photographic workshops last weekend and chose (mainly because of the time of year) to hold it in the studio. Thanks to the ready availability of the studio space at Satzart in Bern, we were able to use the spacious room to cover basic introduction to the Elinchrom equipment and…

  • I ran a course earlier in the year on the subject of portraiture and lighting, which was very well received by the attendees and which I really enjoyed organizing. I’ve been planning to run a similar photo course for a while now, and have decided that the next event will take place on the weekend…

  • My all-day coaching session on 11th June 2011 took place in the grounds of the ETH at Hönggerberg in Zurich. I’ve used this location several times before thanks to the size and variety of potential areas in which to take photos; from modern architectural detail to green lawns and trees.

  • I’ve carried out the first of my photographic lighting workshops for 2011 and there are still places available for the next one in Zurich in June.

  • I’m happy to announce that starting in June, I’ll be taking the Swisss Strobist workshops to the next level. Moving away from the previous days with large groups of attendees, I’ll be leading affordable half- and one day courses both on location and in the studio. Each course is specially prepared for photographers who have…

  • David Hobby at CERN

    The “Strobist” himself, David Hobby, was in Geneva this week and held a seminar in one of the gloriously 70s-style lecture theatres at CERN.

  • Thanks so much to everyone who turned out yesterday on the ETH campus in Zürich, for a great afternoon’s photography, teaching and learning how to effectively use off-camera flash and achieve both dramatic and interesting portraits. A surprisingly and gratifyingly high number of photographers attended – almost 20 in the group, if I remember correctly…

  • So, yeah. Quiet here. I’m working like a demon and I can’t tell you about my main private project – still – for fear that the information will leak into the wrong hands and spoil. Nothing bad at all, rather exciting, in fact, as many people who are in the know will be able to…