Return to the EPFL – portrait and lighting workshop in August

The second of two photographic portraiture and lighting days this summer will take place at the Rolex Learning Centre on the grounds of the EPFL in Lausanne on Sunday 19th August. I’ve gained permission from the EPFL for us to be able to shoot both in the grounds and within most of the building itself, so the combination of lighting, models and architecture should provide us with some interesting opportunities!

As was the case in Oerlikon last weekend, the only fee for attendance of the workshop is a nominal charge of Fr. 20 per photographer to cover expenses for the event and of the models.

The day will allow participants to work in groups together with models, to try out techniques in portraiture and lighting, share ideas, and pick up tips and tricks from more experienced photographers. All you need to bring with you is a camera, a full battery and empty memory card, comfortable shoes and lunch. If you have lighting equipment that you’d like to use, or find out how to use, then please do bring it along. If you don’t have any lighting gear, then you’ll get the chance to see how other attendees use their equipment and try things out for yourself.

If technical details aren’t your thing, then don’t worry: participants will be encouraged to work both with and without artificial lighting throughout the day. It’s about sharing the day with fellow photographers and being creative, not getting bombarded with loads of complicated information.

To sign up for the event, please either use this event entry on my Facebook page, leave a comment on this blog post, or send me an email at

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