Curriculum vitæ
I’ve been building websites since 1996 and building web apps and content management systems since 2001; in particular with and for WordPress since 2003. I’m a passionate developer with an affinity for visual experience, quality, usability, performance, and reusable code.
Photo: Barbara Hess

Owner, developer and designer
Say Hello GmbH, Spiez, Switzerland
since 2019 (owner since 2024)
WordPress specialist, project management, concept work, cross-media solutions and workshop leadership, front-end and back-end development, media production, client consultancy, sales, design.
WordPress community and contributions
since 2009
I’m an active member of the Swiss WordPress community: at meetups, as a core contributor, plugin developer, translation editor, and WordCamp co-organiser and speaker.
Development Manager
cubetech GmbH, Bern, Switzerland
May 2017 until December 2018
cubetech GmbH, Bern, Switzerland
Team leadership (technical/design/concept), project management, concept work, cross-media solutions and workshop leadership, full-stack development, media production, client consultancy, sales consultancy.
Full-stack developer, technical lead
!frappant Webfactory, Bern, Switzerland
April 2011 until April 2017
Technical team leadership, project management, concept work, full-stack development, media production, client consultancy, cross-media solutions.
Digital Developer
Burson-Marsteller, Bern/Zurich, Switzerland
August 2008 until April 2011
Concept work, design, full-stack development, media production, client consultancy, cross-media solutions.
Media producer and CMS developer
Gossweiler Media / Jungfrau Zeitung, Brienz / Interlaken / Meiringen / Grindelwald, Switzerland
March 2001 until July 2008
Concept work, design, full-stack development, multimedia production, client consultancy, editorial training.
Web developer, client consultant, customer services advisor
Great Britain
until March 2001
Design, full-stack development, intranet development, customer services and consultancy, contract management, call centre, trainer, documentation author.
Content management systems:
WordPress (2004-now), TYPO3 (2011-2017), custom development (2001-now)
Applications (selection):
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe XD, Sketch, Tower, Campaign Monitor, Visual Studio Code
Technology (selection):
AJAX, Bash, Composer, CSS3, Git, Gulp, HTML5, JavaScript (Vanilla / ES6 / jQuery), JSON, MySQL, NodeJS, NPM, OOP, PHP, React, Responsive Web Design (2010-), REST API, SCSS, WP CLI, XML
Clients and projects
I have supported and worked on web design and development projects for the following companies and organisations (amongst others) over the last thirty years.
Auto Schweiz, Bank SLM, BEKB, Best Western, Burson-Marsteller EMEA, Cable & Wireless Communications, Cosmos Verlag, Dyson, Edorex, Freienhof Thun AG, Galenos Kranken- und Unfallversicherung, Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz, Grundeigentümer Verband Schweiz, Jungfrau Zeitung, Kantonspolizei Bern, Microsoft Switzerland, Morntag, Mühle Rytz, Nationale Informationsstelle zum Kulturerbe, Nuklearforum Schweiz, Process Partner, Pro Sieben Schweiz, Publishing Blog, Republica AG, Russian Railways, Sanofi-Aventis, SBB CFF FFS, Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, Schweizer Nationalfonds, SGG (Rütli), Schweizerischer Skiverband “Swiss Ski”, Soliswiss, Sportamt Bern, Staatsarchiv Basel, Swisscom, Swiss Helicopter Group, UNIA-Gewerkschaft, Verkehrs-Club der Schweiz, V-ZUG, Volkshaus AG Bern, ZFV-Unternehmungen, Zunftgesellschaft zum Affen.
Curriculum vitæ
I’ve been building websites since 1996 and building web apps and content management systems since 2001; in particular with and for WordPress since 2003. I’m a passionate developer with an affinity for visual experience, quality, usability, performance, and reusable code.
Photo: Barbara Hess

Owner, developer and designer
WordPress specialist, project management, concept work, cross-media solutions and workshop leadership, front-end and back-end development, media production, client consultancy, sales, design.
WordPress community and contributions
since 2009
I’m an active member of the Swiss WordPress community: at meetups, as a core contributor, plugin developer, translation editor, and WordCamp co-organiser and speaker.
Development Manager
cubetech GmbH, Bern, Switzerland
May 2017 until December 2018
cubetech GmbH, Bern, Switzerland
Team leadership (technical/design/concept), project management, concept work, cross-media solutions and workshop leadership, full-stack development, media production, client consultancy, sales consultancy.
Full-stack developer, technical lead
!frappant Webfactory, Bern, Switzerland
April 2011 until April 2017
Technical team leadership, project management, concept work, full-stack development, media production, client consultancy, cross-media solutions.
Digital Developer
Burson-Marsteller, Bern/Zurich, Switzerland
August 2008 until April 2011
Concept work, design, full-stack development, media production, client consultancy, cross-media solutions.
Media producer and CMS developer
Gossweiler Media / Jungfrau Zeitung, Brienz / Interlaken / Meiringen / Grindelwald, Switzerland
March 2001 until July 2008
Concept work, design, full-stack development, multimedia production, client consultancy, editorial training.
Web developer, client consultant, customer services advisor
Great Britain
until March 2001
Design, full-stack development, intranet development, customer services and consultancy, contract management, call centre, trainer, documentation author.
Content management systems:
WordPress (2004-now), TYPO3 (2011-2017), custom development (2001-now)
Applications (selection):
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe XD, Sketch, Tower, Campaign Monitor, Visual Studio Code
Clients and projects
I have supported and worked on web design and development projects for the following companies and organisations (amongst others) over the last thirty years.
Auto Schweiz, Bank SLM, BEKB, Best Western, Burson-Marsteller EMEA, Cable & Wireless Communications, Cosmos Verlag, Dyson, Edorex, Freienhof Thun AG, Galenos Kranken- und Unfallversicherung, Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz, Grundeigentümer Verband Schweiz, Jungfrau Zeitung, Kantonspolizei Bern, Microsoft Switzerland, Morntag, Mühle Rytz, Nationale Informationsstelle zum Kulturerbe, Nuklearforum Schweiz, Process Partner, Pro Sieben Schweiz, Publishing Blog, Republica AG, Russian Railways, Sanofi-Aventis, SBB CFF FFS, Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, Schweizer Nationalfonds, SGG (Rütli), Schweizerischer Skiverband “Swiss Ski”, Soliswiss, Sportamt Bern, Staatsarchiv Basel, Swisscom, Swiss Helicopter Group, UNIA-Gewerkschaft, Verkehrs-Club der Schweiz, V-ZUG, Volkshaus AG Bern, ZFV-Unternehmungen, Zunftgesellschaft zum Affen.