Portraiture day at the MFO-Park

Our workshop day this past Sunday was a great success, after the rain passed away from the MFO Park in Oerlikon some ten minutes before we started! Blazing sunshine soon warmed the area and gave us plenty of light to work with, so the day was spent mainly working with a mixture of natural sunlight and flash illumination to fill in the shadows. The groups were quite small this time, so there were plenty of opportunities for each of the participants to take photos and ask questions.

The main picture accompanying this post was a trial of what has become known as “The Brenizer Method”: a photograph stitched together of several individual shots, each of which was taken of a section of the scene using a very shallow depth of field. Due to the combination of these images, the effect is to exaggerate the shallowness of the depth of field even more. I’ll point you to this article by Ryan (Brenizer) for details of the technique, as he was the person through which the technique first became widely suggested online.

(…and yes, I know that I have to work on ensuring that the whole scene is photographed!)

For links to the individual participants’ photos, you can see details of the day on the event’s page at Facebook.

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