First lighting workshops completed

I’m hoping to to put my long-earned knowledge to a little more use from now on and run occasional training sessions for those who are interested. The first ones have been in the photo studio at Satzart in Bern – my employers since the beginning of April – and have been introductory sessions to lighting with flash. The sessions have been very well received and have covered information at the more basic end of the spectrum; from how to hook up the studio lights to using the lights to creative effect.

As well as covering the use of the big Elinchrom studio lights, common to studios and hooked up to mains power, I also touched on how well similar effects can be achieved using inexpensive speedlight-type equipment. This is the kind of thing which I’ve learned a lot about over the past three or four years through the Swiss Strobist group and the examples I used this evening covered how well the technique works by mixing light from my Nikon SB-900 and an Elinchrom studio light.

Next workshop: 11th June 2011, Zurich

Some of the techniques from these sessions are ones which I’ll be covering in my next workshop in Zurich on 11th June. As well as off-camera flash, I’ll be covering the creative side of portrait photography and how to use ambient light to best effect. If you’re interested in joining me for the day, check out further information here and get in touch!

One response to “First lighting workshops completed”

  1. Mum avatar

    Well done and hope all went as well as you expected x

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