Studio training course in Bern

I ran a course earlier in the year on the subject of portraiture and lighting, which was very well received by the attendees and which I really enjoyed organizing. I’ve been planning to run a similar photo course for a while now, and have decided that the next event will take place on the weekend of the 3rd or 4th December in the studio at Satzart in Bern, which some of you might know as the location for the annual “Avatar Day” photo sessions.

As was the case in Zurich, this course is intended for photographers who have covered the basics of “Strobist” off-camera lighting and who would like to take the next step: learning how to work in a studio, using larger, mains-powered lights, a variety of backdrops and light modifiers, and how to use the speedlights which have featured in Swiss Strobist events over the past few years.

Attendees can bring their own lighting with them and learn how best to apply it to a studio situation, or rely on the equipment at hand. The day will start with a short re-introduction to off-camera and artificial lighting, and then we’ll focus on creating a wide range of different looks and photographic effects using the range of equipment available.

The day will be rounded off with preparation for an advanced photograph, which will feature a combination of an image created with the model in the studio and a pre-prepared scenic view. (The “montage”, or Photoshop work, will not be covered in the course, but we’ll work together to build the lighting to create the basis for later post-processing work.)

The fee for the day is Fr. 150.– per attendee and places are limited to 6 photographers. If more than 6 apply, it may be possible to arrange two individual course days: one on the Saturday and one on the Sunday. If you’d like to attend, please send me an email at

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