Portraiture on location: course in Zurich

Now that the weather is turning fine again, it’s time for a new photo course. I’m collaborating with the Photo International Club Zurich to run an all-day course on my usual topic – portraiture and lighting on location – on Sunday, 11th May in Zürich.

Attendees can sign up via the PICZ website – please note the attendance fee for members and non-members alike – and join us on the streets of Switzerland’s largest city to learn how to find and work in suitable locations spontaneously.

We’ll be using a volunteer model and travelling to a handful of locations, in much the same way as the Keep It Simple meetup last year. We’ll start by working with available light and the use of the environment and of basic reflectors to create pleasing portraits. After lunch*, we’ll move on to the more technical option of small flash units and learn how to work with them easily and confidently. By the end of the day, you’ll have a memory card full of photos and a brain full of ideas to take with you on your future photo sessions.

If you’d like to attend, all you need is a camera (whose basic functions you know how to use). If you have lighting equipment, be it a simple flash gun or more advanced equipment, then feel free to bring it along. As we’ll be working in a group with a single model, there may not be time to use all of everyone’s equipment, so please don’t bring your entire kit bag!

Also, please bear in mind that we will be walking around the city, so make sure that you have a bottle of water, spare batteries and a comfortable pair of shoes!

For full details of the day, please refer to the PICZ website and direct any enquiries you have to them, or to me via the usual channels of Twitter, Facebook or email.

*Please note: lunch is not provided, so we’ll break for lunch near a suitable place to get something to eat.

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