In a mountain valley along a winding, narrow road leading between Meiringen and Grosse Scheidegg, Rosenlaui is the smallest hamlet in Switzerland.
Latest blog posts
WordPress offers a huge range of features and options for users, but that can often be overwhelming for clients. We can assist them by providing curated editorial experiences.
A short break and brief drone flights above the farmland in the sunset near the highest point of the UK motorway network.
Five-and-a-half years after joining Say Hello, I took on sole ownership of the company last summer. The past five months have been more successful than I’d even hoped.
Saving and spending more money on better quality things makes more economic sense than buying lower-quality items.
I’ve been working on a custom image carousel block for a WordPress client, and wanted to add the built-in aspect ratios as a drop-down control.
How to use CSS custom property aliases in WordPress to reduce the size of your own custom CSS.
Photographic archive
Recent additions to an ever-growing collection of photos I’m sharing publicly here on the site. (Don’t be surprised if the latest additions are older. I’m adding them from my personal archive in a pretty random order.)
Lots of work stopped me from going out so much, but we did get in a great trip to canton Wallis.
Making more of an effort to publish moving pictures, including one from Dartmoor in June.
With a name like “Ice Path”, you know before you arrive that a hiking route is going to be a pretty spectacular one.
Walking in the snowy landscape of Axalp, high above Lake Brienz in the Swiss Bernese Oberland.
WordPress is currently the most popular content management system in the world. I’ve been using WordPress for personal and business projects since 2003, both as part of my day job and also as a freelancer. I have been an active member of the Swiss WordPress community since the first official Swiss WordCamp in 2014, co-organising and presenting at conferences across the country.