Posts about Life
I had a busy week. Two work projects are due for completion soon and because I felt that I was behind on them both, I decided to go back to the computer after dinner and work on them. I used to work late into the night when I was first establishing my career here, and…
Giving up on trying to make sense of the public attitude to the coronavirus.
I am an introvert and that’s O.K.
I’ve been suffering from anxiety issues for the last year or so. A couple of people have said to me that the topic isn’t discussed as much as it could be, so I thought I’d write about my experiences in the hope that they might help others in a similar situation.
“It’s not age that makes you an adult, I see now, or even most of the experiences that age brings. What finally does it is the things you lose along the way. A parent dies; you don’t get the girl. And you are wrecked. And you are less for these losses. What makes you an…
I’m moving to Swiss web agency Say Hello as partner, client consultant and full-stack developer from January 2019.
Planning for the inevitable in a digital world.
It was inevitable, I suppose, that I would, one day, have to start applying my experience to The Day Job instead of just my hours. Instead of just being the go-to-guy for programming, I’d have to take over a more responsible role and help other people to learn the craft and expertise of web development.…
As I get older, I realise more and more just how long a life actually is. How full of memories and moments one’s life is. It’s so difficult to pack in almost 79 years of a life into the few minutes I have here. It’s already been over four weeks since Dad died, yet it…
I regain a holiday feeling by sitting in an old town square, eating pizza, whilst locals perch on a wall, smoking cigarettes before a little bus arrives and rattles them away. Swifts and martins race through the narrow lanes, far above us, to catch their own dinner. The sun slowly retreats up the old stone buildings surrounding…
We all need people in our lives who raise our standards, remind us of our essential purpose, and challenge us to become the best version of ourselves.
Life is often unfair and life is short. You don’t know what cards you’re going to be dealt.
I wrote and posted my first blog post in this version of my website ten years ago today. To celebrate, I’m reviving the “Photos” section of the site, which will contain my best and my favourite photos.
My Audi A4 suffers from a known problem with oil consumption, so I’ve had a stressful few weeks coming to an agreement with Audi Switzerland and the local dealership.
The long, long progression from being a teenager with a stitch to being a forty-something with a passion for walking.
It’s no shock to realise that I’ve been commuting to Bern by car for nearly six years. But what is a shock is that the period of changing from train travel to car travel coincides with the main rise of the smartphone. When I was commuting to Bern between 2008 and the end of 2010,…
Another year has flown by, and the approaching festivities remind me that it’s time to look back through my photo archive and be astounded once more by all the happy memories of the past twelve months.
Before photography and the internet, golf was the major hobby in my life for many years, in all its forms.
Over 150,00km after buying it, we say goodbye to our “four-wheeled tripod”.