Posts from the category WordPress
WordPress is a web-browser-based content management system: the most widespread of its type in the world. I began giving support during the early development of WordPress’ predecessor b2/cafelog in 2001, and I’ve built personal and professional sites using WordPress since 2003. I’m currently CEO and developer at Swiss WordPress agency Say Hello.
WordPress offers a huge range of features and options for users, but that can often be overwhelming for clients. We can assist them by providing curated editorial experiences.
I’ve been working on a custom image carousel block for a WordPress client, and wanted to add the built-in aspect ratios as a drop-down control.
How to use CSS custom property aliases in WordPress to reduce the size of your own custom CSS.
Using custom post types in combination with the Block Editor in WordPress for easy content management, irrespective of design changes.
How to use presets instead of custom CSS in WordPress to allow blocks to retain a common design, whilst supporting amendments later in the project’s timeline.
Creating a website layout using the WordPress Site Editor, with an emphasis on simplicity and reusability.
Concentrating on an optimal workflow when you begin working on a new website, and where your initial focus should lie.
There are two main approaches to building a site using WordPress, but the first stage is to work out how the content will be managed.
The first in a series of blog posts to explain what I’ve learned whilst building websites using the Block and Site Editors in WordPress.
The benefits of being there: how I achieve better results and enjoy being on-site with clients.
Using a constant to a Webpack build process for reusable components in your scripts.
I ruminate on the advantages and disadvantages of using the WordPress Interactivity API.
Stepping back from involvement in the future development of WordPress as a system.
Using block filters in JavaScript to override theme.json settings on a per-case basis.
Working in the web industry, I began getting fed up of trailing all the way to an office to work. When I moved to web agency Say Hello, I vowed to make the most of “remote working”.
If you’re writing a plugin which needs to connect to a third-party service, there’s a relatively high chance that you’ll need to store credentials securely.
Using a third-party service to compare your website before and after a technical update.
Block Patterns, Block Variations and Reusable Blocks. How and why they’re useful and implementable.