Posts from the category Internet
The benefits of being there: how I achieve better results and enjoy being on-site with clients.
I ruminate on the advantages and disadvantages of using the WordPress Interactivity API.
How to work around PHP’s deprecation of dynamic class properties without refactoring your whole codebase.
Using Context in WordPress’ implementation of React.
Stepping back from involvement in the future development of WordPress as a system.
Using block filters in JavaScript to override theme.json settings on a per-case basis.
If you’re writing a plugin which needs to connect to a third-party service, there’s a relatively high chance that you’ll need to store credentials securely.
Block Patterns, Block Variations and Reusable Blocks. How and why they’re useful and implementable.
Building a single-selection category selector for WordPress Gutenberg using React.
How I used manual content structuring and the power of the WordPress Site Editor to set up what we believe to be the first non-plugin-based multilingual WordCamp website.
There are several translation plugins in the WordPress ecosystem, each of which has its strengths and weaknesses when it comes to translating and managing multilingual content. There is also the brilliant plugin Loco Translate, which I’ve been using for a very long time to translate English strings in plugins and themes. (Usually German, French and…
Finding out custom user capabilities via the REST API, to determine whether or not to add a custom sidebar in the Gutenberg block editor.
Using CSS Grid to overlap two rows and allow a content image to “break out” of the text container.
WordPress’ block editor “Gutenberg” allows us to register custom block styles for a particular block. But since WordPress 5.4, we can use Block Variations to add other presets with different default settings.
Explaining how to use WordPress hooks, and how to fine-tune them to improve legibility and code efficiency.
How to mock up a website design when every page can be built individually and controlled completely by the editorial staff.
There are three main options for setting the size of text in the web using CSS. The font size can be set in “pixels”, in “EM”s or in ”REM”s. It can be a little difficult to understand where the differences lie, and which unit of measurement is correct.
Using CSS variables through the WordPress Theme Customizer to make custom colour schemes in the Gutenberg Editor.
Implementing a CSS- and SVG-based responsive imagemap for a client in Toronto.
How I use WordPress’ template part logic, but additionally pass scoped data to the template part.
WordPress’ Gutenberg Editor allows you to do much more than create and edit content in a single content column.