Posts about yorkshire
Instagram is where the audience is, but not every photo is suitable for Instagram. Highly-detailed images get lost amongst the pouting girls and gaudy sunsets. These photos deserve to be viewed larger.
With surprising alacrity, it’s time to flick back through my digital album as we approach the end of 2013, and the end of another year behind the camera. Here are a few highlights; a larger set is on Flickr. My favourite memory of 2013, embodied in the lead photo of this blog post (above) is…
Just up the coast from the collapsing cliffs in East Yorkshire is the more solid mass of Flamborough Head, one of the northernmost sections of chalk which thread their way up from the south coast of England to the north. As the tide was out when I visited, I headed for the beach to inspect…
The sandy coastline at East Riding in Yorkshire, on the east coast of northern England, has the unfortunate designation of being the most heavily eroding piece of coastline in Europe. That meant that when I found Neil White’s photos shortly before an upcoming visit to Yorkshire, I knew that I had to plan in a trip to…