Posts about web

  • When coming up with ideas for new websites or coming up with a use for a new design idea, the reason for the website or app is often on which slows the initial impetus for a designer or front-end coder. Sure, you have this great idea for a design, but what to use it for?

  • Flexible by default

    One of the great things about being responsible for the technical direction of a team of developers is that you get to bring your ideas to a project and, in many instances, try out new techniques which would otherwise only be seen on a personal website or blog. I wrote at the beginning of the…

  • SprainTV

    Manuel Reinhard (also known through his personal website and Twitter stream as “sprain”) has recently launched a regular video podcast in review of the week’s happenings in the Swiss internet scene.

  • A technical article covering the use of Javascript functions and files across multiple web domains.