Posts about war

  • What the Swiss keep in their barns and cellars

    A short film by Rick Steves about the unexpected artillery behind closed barn doors, and the overly-secure cellar bomb shelters beneath almost every Swiss home. The main installation featured is the Artilleriewerk Faulensee at the end of our road.

  • An except from the exceptional temporary war-time rules of the Richmond Golf Club near London.

  • The Courtyard

    On a visit to Ebern in Germany, we came across a picturesque autumnal courtyard. On the wall outside, a plaque told of many years ago.

  • I have translated this short story from an archived article in German newspaper Die Zeit from June 1976, which I came across via a link which Konstantin Binder posted to his Twitter account. The original title is “Oh! You’re German?” but I don’t feel that this direct translation matches the tone of the article. I…

  • I Remember

    There are some times of year when it’s strange to be at home in a country where the national history is different. In November, two of them fall within days of each other: Guy Fawkes Night and Armistice Day.