Posts about UX

“UX” is the abbreviation for “User Experience” – a methodology and focus in my line of work for design and development of websites, apps and (mainly digital) media.

  • How improving micro-interactions can smooth the process for your (web) application users.

  • The user experience nicety of a legible date string.

  • I presented at the WordCamp conference in Lausanne a couple of weeks ago, on the subject of website usability. The video of my talk is now online.

  • Whether because they slow down the loading of the site, get in the way of what the visitor is looking for, or are often ignored as a type of ad banner, many websites would benefit from moving away from these legacy page elements to implement better and more user-friendly alternatives.

  • Website visitors can and do scroll the page to find what they’re looking for. That doesn’t make this scrolling action a good user interface design solution.

  • Using modules in front end web programming to allow more flexibility and more independence from site layouts for content elements.

  • If you’re reading this on the website (and not in an RSS reader or the like) then you’re seeing the new version of the website. Similar to the old one in general terms, but re-built (again) from the ground up using LESS and a dusting of jQuery. There are new features and content pages coming,…

  • The latest article at A List Apart is a must-read for anyone serious about developing and running a website which should attract visitors who speak languages other than English.