Posts about slideshow
I was delighted to be invited to submit to the upcoming “Open Show” in Lausanne, an evening of photographic presentation by a small selection of photographers, and honoured to have my submission confirmed earlier today. I’ll be showing twenty photos from my One Frame Movie series next Thursday evening, 18th August, at the Espace Carbu…
After the success of my last talk at the English Speaking Club in Bern, at which I showed a couple of dozen of my people and street photographs, I am pleased to have been invited back for a second free evening by president Corinne Oegerli. This time, instead of people photographs, I intend to show…
I will be speaking and showing a collection of photographs at the English Speaking Club in Bern on Thursday 12th March, from 9 p.m.
It’s probably been two years in the making, but I have finally gotten around to transferring the idea in my head into Flash and WordPress to create a sparkly new front page for this website. The basic premise is that whereas I give out my Moo cards to promote my photography, I haven’t had a…
I’m not usually one for political speaking or speakers who hold forth on environmental issues. Quite often, I find the subject boring or repetitive, the speaker uninteresting or the presentation so uninspiring, that it makes my brain shut off altogether. This evening, however, an hour and a half of Swiss channel SF2‘s evening programming was…