Posts about Say Hello

The day job. I joined Swiss WordPress agency Say Hello as partner in January 2019.

  • WordPress expert Mark Howells-Mead

    Five-and-a-half years after joining Say Hello, I took on sole ownership of the company last summer. The past five months have been more successful than I’d even hoped.

  • WordPress expert Mark Howells-Mead

    Using a third-party service to compare your website before and after a technical update.

  • WordPress expert Mark Howells-Mead

    More and more website development takes place using Javascript these days, whether within the WordPress CMS or as part of a streamlined frontend experience. I abandoned jQuery at the end of 2019 and began learning React in earnest.

  • Remote working

    The beginning of 2019 saw a huge change for me; both having an office close to where I live and gaining the freedom to work wherever I want to be.

  • How to mock up a website design when every page can be built individually and controlled completely by the editorial staff.

  • Nico and Mark from Say Hello in Berlin

    Photos from the annual WordPress conference – the biggest in the world in 2019.

  • How to create your own Gutenberg block with only a full or wide alignment option, instead of the usual possibilities.

  • Scrrenshot of Rachel Andrew's website, built using CSS Grid

    I’m beginning to delve into the newest extension of the CSS style rule possibilities at a professional level, in order to design and create websites which break the mould.

  • I’m moving to Swiss web agency Say Hello as partner, client consultant and full-stack developer from January 2019.