Posts about React
React is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on components.
I’ve been working on a custom image carousel block for a WordPress client, and wanted to add the built-in aspect ratios as a drop-down control.
Using a constant to a Webpack build process for reusable components in your scripts.
Using Context in WordPress’ implementation of React.
Using block filters in JavaScript to override theme.json settings on a per-case basis.
Building a single-selection category selector for WordPress Gutenberg using React.
A simpler alternative to wrapping a Gutenberg edit component with a higher-order component.
Finding out custom user capabilities via the REST API, to determine whether or not to add a custom sidebar in the Gutenberg block editor.
More and more website development takes place using Javascript these days, whether within the WordPress CMS or as part of a streamlined frontend experience. I abandoned jQuery at the end of 2019 and began learning React in earnest.
How to create your own Gutenberg block with only a full or wide alignment option, instead of the usual possibilities.
WordPress is much more than a simple tool for building websites. Here are a few prominent sites which use WordPress and its new REST API for much more than a simple blog.
The battle royal du jour in the web development community is the argument of whether websites should be built with a JavaScript-based technology like AngularJS, Node.js or React, or using the classic composition of HTML and CSS, then extending it with JavaScript for those browsers which support it. Without reading the detailed arguments from informed developers on both…