Posts about portraiture

  • 2012 is the year in which I’m going to try and catch up on an inordinate amount of photos which have never seen the light of day. I have no idea yet how I’m going to get them all online in a manageable form, but I’ve taken the first step by adding another new gallery…

  • Studio workshop

    I ran the latest of my photographic workshops last weekend and chose (mainly because of the time of year) to hold it in the studio. Thanks to the ready availability of the studio space at Satzart in Bern, we were able to use the spacious room to cover basic introduction to the Elinchrom equipment and…

  • I love taking portraits of people; whether I know them or not. I do it because of my passion for the image, not for financial gain, and I really wish more people would volunteer to let me photograph them. Here’s why.

  • I was delighted to be invited to submit to the upcoming “Open Show” in Lausanne, an evening of photographic presentation by a small selection of photographers, and honoured to have my submission confirmed earlier today. I’ll be showing twenty photos from my One Frame Movie series next Thursday evening, 18th August, at the Espace Carbu…

  • My all-day coaching session on 11th June 2011 took place in the grounds of the ETH at Hönggerberg in Zurich. I’ve used this location several times before thanks to the size and variety of potential areas in which to take photos; from modern architectural detail to green lawns and trees.

  • A portrait shoot in the Satzart studio in Bern.

  • A photo shoot in a cellar cinema in Bern adds a new photo to my One Frame Movie series.

  • I’ve carried out the first of my photographic lighting workshops for 2011 and there are still places available for the next one in Zurich in June.

  • I’m happy to announce that starting in June, I’ll be taking the Swisss Strobist workshops to the next level. Moving away from the previous days with large groups of attendees, I’ll be leading affordable half- and one day courses both on location and in the studio. Each course is specially prepared for photographers who have…

  • Now that the spring is here once more, I’m looking for volunteers for my photo series “One Frame Movie”.

  • With the money I’ve put aside for new camera gear, a new, reliable, fully automated flash gun was high on my “wants” list, not least because I receive a slowly increasing number of requests to take portrait photographs and cover events.

  • One of the reasons I organize photographic meetup days is so that I can learn new techniques and use equipment that I might not have encountered before.

  • Revenge

    One of my favourite pictures of the year, which was shot at the end of a studio session a couple of weeks ago.

  • Simply Yannick

    A portrait of a friend and work colleague, shot for a work project earlier this week.

  • Zum Wohl

    As a British person abroad, there are several aspects of Swiss culture which take a little getting used to. One of them is making eye contact when chinking glasses with someone.

  • Alice and Chris

    Jo and I travelled to Scotland over the weekend to attend the wedding of Jo’s friend Alice to her RAF sweetheart Chris.

  • Out of the blue

    Jo posed for me in the stairwell to an underground car park during last Sunday’s Swiss Strobist practical day, whilst I fiddled with the camera white balance to create an unusual effect.

  • When Bern band Choo Choo were looking for a photographer for some new shots in June of this year, I was happy to step in and work with an art director to shoot the raw images for their website and new promotional material.

  • Valerie

    The first set of photos from a portrait session in the Grand Hotel Suisse Majestic in Montreux

  • Photos from my day in the studio with the Swiss Strobist group.

  • A stern portrait of a fun guy and friend at last weekend’s studio meetup near Bern.