Posts about podcast

  • Andy Budd made a very important point during episode 93 of The Web Ahead podcast. In it, he’s answering a question raised about where a less-experienced web designer can find resources to see what the current “best practices” are for site element design.

  • Lessons learned about working in the web whilst listening to the Big Web Show podcast. From keeping a project on track to dampening down your ego a little.

  • I re-discover the web technology podcast “Big Web Show” and look forward to hearing all of the back episodes.

  • Another in my series of One Frame Movie photographs, of Bernese video podcaster Manuel “Sprain” Reinhard.

  • SprainTV

    Manuel Reinhard (also known through his personal website and Twitter stream as “sprain”) has recently launched a regular video podcast in review of the week’s happenings in the Swiss internet scene.