Posts about mobile
An analysis of the visitor statistics during a recent web project showed that a large number of visitors were visiting the site using medium-small devices with 1024px x 768px screens. This corresponds to an iPad held in horizontal format. But further research into the statistics showed that a large proportion of the visitors with this screen…
Cool new techniques for creating responsive websites and for saving you loads of time when writing CSS are helping me to rebuild the technical infrastructure of this (and other) websites.
First there was print, then recordings, then cinema, radio, TV, and the internet. Mobile is the seventh and latest form of mass media. And the smartphone is the fastest spreading technology in history. More iPhones are activated every day than babies are born. Read Jeffrey Zeldman’s notes on Luke Wroblewski’s “Mobile To The Future” presentation…
If you’re a web developer, checking that you use the standards of the web and valid code will make your life infinitely easier. By planning now for a standards-based future and focusing on HTML5 and its associated technologies, you’ll be building for the future: not just saving yourself time, but also making sure that the…
The newest version of the newspaper, to which I still subscribe online despite no longer working or living in the catchment area, produced by a small handful of people and covering purely local news instead of falling to the temptation of reporting news from more distant regions, is at least a match for – if…