Posts about mobile first
While my main hobby in my private life is photography, I earn my living through programming websites. Since moving to !frappant back in April last year – has it really been a year already?! – I’ve been striving to learn as many new techniques as possible. It’s been a particular goal to get out of…
Time for a re-think on how this website is organized and laid out. Priorities will be a more graphically appealing portfolio, a more easily scannable “blog” section, and a Mobile First approach to design and functionality. Stay tuned. (But don’t hold your breath while you do. It may be a while.)
If you’re a web developer, checking that you use the standards of the web and valid code will make your life infinitely easier. By planning now for a standards-based future and focusing on HTML5 and its associated technologies, you’ll be building for the future: not just saving yourself time, but also making sure that the…