Posts about meetup
Am WordPress Meetup in Bern am 17. April 2018 sprach Martin Steiger über die Auswirkungen der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) auf Schweizer Website-Betreiber.
A quick reminder to those whose minds may have been on the glorious summer we’ve been having, that we are meeting in Zurich this Sunday for a day of portraiture. The theme is “Keep It Simple“: taking portraits on location with a minimum of equipment. Details A Facebook event entry is here. Please sign up if…
It’s been a while since my last photo workshop and so it’s definitely time for another! I’ve spent a lot of time over the past year getting used to a simpler workflow and getting used to my Fuji X100 and since doing so, I’ve constantly been reminded how easier and how much more fun it…
Thanks to all of those who toook part in a Doodle survey, the dates have now been set for the first of the on-location lighting and portraiture days here in Switzerland.
After a break of almost two years, and a handful of small lighting courses both on location and in the studio, I’ve decided to organize another free day of photography and learning in the style of the Swiss Strobist days.
The date for the next Swiss Strobist photographic meetup in Lausanne (Switzerland) has been selected.