Posts about layout
Laying out a page using percentage-based columns seems to be pretty easy. However, in responsive layouts, you’ll quickly run into problems if you don’t take legibility into account. The most obvious case is when the columns are predominantly text-based, where a suitable gutter between the columns is essential for the sake of legibility. (If you…
The first in a series of posts outlining the basics of how designers can plan layouts for the widest possible range of internet-capable devices.
Information about the technical solution I’ve implemented for the grid layout in my photo galleries here on the website.
I have finally been able to completely re-build this website from the ground up, using responsive design principles and many new features. This first technical post summarizes the reasons behind the need for a new version.
Regular visitors will note that the new year saw two changes here at Permanent Tourist: namely, the reduction in size of images in articles and the re-naming of the section you’re in now to “Blog”.