Posts about jura
In most places in the mountains, even heavily-touristed spots like Creux-du-Van, visitors are left to their own common sense when it comes to health and safety. Fences and walkways seem to only be installed where it’s really necessary, although I can’t quite fathom when the decision is made. This allows one the chance to experience…
Hiking in the snow between Le Noirmont and Le Creux-des-Biches in the Swiss Jura mountains.
The first part of my personal retrospective of a year which – to my eternal relief – wasn’t as bad on a personal level as it could easily have been.
In an unassuming bit of forest in the Jura mountains, a small road leads between the towns of Sonceboz and Tavannes, which leads up and over a small pass between the two neighbouring valleys. In the woods just before you get to Tavannes is a band of limestone cliff, in which there is an arch,…
Yorkshire meets Switzerland in the limestone landscape of Creux-du-Van, above Neuchâtel.
My friends Yannick and Lea made another film last summer of an extended journey around the Jura mountains, on the northern edge of Switzerland and into France. It’s quite delightful and rounded off wonderfully by the music they’ve used, which they composed and produced themselves. I am envious of their talent, it must be said.
A shot from a late autumn drive through the Jura mountains on the way home from Basel; one of many, many photos in a backlogged queue of shots I’d like to share.
Since the early part of the 20th century, Longines has become synonymous with timekeeping in the sports world and for measuring the accuracy of world records.
Deep in the Jura mountains is a large cave; easily accessible, as it sits alongside the main road which winds its way through the bottom of the Pichoux Gorge. In the cave is a shrine to the Christian St. Columba of Spain.