Posts about JavaScript

  • I ruminate on the advantages and disadvantages of using the WordPress Interactivity API.

  • Using Context in WordPress’ implementation of React.

  • Using block filters in JavaScript to override theme.json settings on a per-case basis.

  • A simpler alternative to wrapping a Gutenberg edit component with a higher-order component.

  • More and more website development takes place using Javascript these days, whether within the WordPress CMS or as part of a streamlined frontend experience. I abandoned jQuery at the end of 2019 and began learning React in earnest.

  • Implementing a CSS- and SVG-based responsive imagemap for a client in Toronto.

  • How to create your own Gutenberg block with only a full or wide alignment option, instead of the usual possibilities.

  • How I swapped out individual sections of a high-traffic site to make best use of WordPress’ REST API.

  • A short post to help anyone who is looking to implement a responsive HTML imagemap, which also features an interactive highlighting function.

  • The battle royal du jour in the web development community is the argument of whether websites should be built with a JavaScript-based technology like AngularJS, Node.js or React, or using the classic composition of HTML and CSS, then extending it with JavaScript for those browsers which support it. Without reading the detailed arguments from informed developers on both…

  • Many web developers (and web project managers) are insistent that we shouldn’t be concerned with the availability of JavaScript in the browser. “Who turns off JavaScript these days?” is often the argument. The problem isn’t related to who turns off JavaScript, but what happens when a CDN copy of jQuery isn’t available – the server…

  • A colleague from the WordPress Bern meetups asked for advice on how to track clicks on certain page elements on his website. Having looked into this for a few different purposes over the past year, it was quick and easy to knock up a simple jQuery plugin for the purpose, which speaks to Google Analytics. The principle…

  • Building a website or app based on third-party code and solutions may work… but what happens when that code breaks or becomes unavailable?

  • My First App

    Experiences building my first ever phone app, using Cordova and jQuery to deliver content from a WordPress installation.

  • Information about the technical solution I’ve implemented for the grid layout in my photo galleries here on the website.

  • While my main hobby in my private life is photography, I earn my living through programming websites. Since moving to !frappant back in April last year – has it really been a year already?! – I’ve been striving to learn as many new techniques as possible. It’s been a particular goal to get out of…

  • Re-programming my online portfolio using the most up-to-date techniques possible.

  • A technical article covering the use of Javascript functions and files across multiple web domains.