Posts about France

  • Visiting the historic town of Colmar, on the Alsatian plain in eastern France.

  • This month’s set of photos is especially random, but that’s the whole point; not just of the ongoing photo series here on my website, but also in my life. The more varied and random, the better for me.

  • The “random things” posts are primarily about random stuff I’ve seen in the course of a month. The random stuff I saw in December was spread over four countries.

  • Selected images for the 2023 calendar I made for my aunt.

  • Calendar for Mum

    My selected images for Mum’s 2023 calendar.

  • Random things in July

    Hiking and keeping cool in the mid-summer alpine heat.

  • My main photographic focus in June was our trip to Brittany in north-western France.

  • Piles of sand

    Piles of sand

    The joy of paragliding at the Dune du Pilat in France.

  • The Petite Camargue Alsacienne is a French nature reserve along the Rhine, just north of the border with Switzerland. It was founded in 1982 as a protected habitat by the French government and is named for the huge nature reserve seven hundred kilometres away, on the shores of the Mediterranean. We visited a couple of…

  • The Quest for Inspiration

    This is the trailer for “La Quête d’Inspiration”, a documentary film by Mathieu Le Lay about the experiences in the wilderness of French landscape photographer Alexandre Deschaumes. You can purchase the full-length film at Reelhouse.

  • Compare and contrast the trends on the Pont des Arts bridge in Paris. The first of these photos was taken in 1996 or 1997 and the second was taken last weekend. These days, the lattices (and some of the old-fashioned street lights) along both sides of the bridge are covered completely in personalized padlocks, attached…

  • C’était un Rendezvous

    One of my favourite pieces of non-fiction film: an eight and a half minute sequence filmed by Claude Lelouch on the streets of Paris in 1976.

  • The slightly disappointing centre of the historic city of Arras, with its two main squares filled with traffic and cars.

  • Up to Arras

    Once again, it’s past midnight and the suitcase is almost packed, lying nearby after I became distracted by bills which need paying and hotels which need booking. Jo is away already, arrived in Scotland after a mammoth journey, and I am kicking my heels across Europe until we meet again next weekend on the other…

  • The beginning of the summer camping season on the Piémançon beaches in the Camargue region of southern France.

  • Seeing wild flamingoes for the first time, in the south of France.

  • Any photographer offering free photos should have a good reason for doing so. This is why I’ve chosen to make a large portion of my photographic archive available.

  • My biggest work project in 2010 was the re-building of the wide network of websites for the Europe, Middle East and Africa region of Burson-Marsteller.

  • I Remember

    There are some times of year when it’s strange to be at home in a country where the national history is different. In November, two of them fall within days of each other: Guy Fawkes Night and Armistice Day.

  • The first leg of this year’s summer holiday takes us from home in Switzerland through France, Luxembourg and Belgium.

  • A panoramic view of Lac Léman from the top floor of the Grand Hotel Suisse Majestic in Montreux.