Posts about code
There are several translation plugins in the WordPress ecosystem, each of which has its strengths and weaknesses when it comes to translating and managing multilingual content. There is also the brilliant plugin Loco Translate, which I’ve been using for a very long time to translate English strings in plugins and themes. (Usually German, French and…
The user experience nicety of a legible date string.
My erstwhile mentor in Brienz taught me throughout our years working together that if a website functionality is worth creating, it’s worth creating so that it can be used in more than one project. Programme once, install many times. This is a credo I’ve maintained since I started programming for content management systems and one…
Laying out a page using percentage-based columns seems to be pretty easy. However, in responsive layouts, you’ll quickly run into problems if you don’t take legibility into account. The most obvious case is when the columns are predominantly text-based, where a suitable gutter between the columns is essential for the sake of legibility. (If you…
Code snippet for SQL use, to include a formatted version of a timestamp field in database query results.
If you’re a Flash or web developer, then you may come across a security-invoked problem whereby links inside your Flash movie don’t react, when you try and open a link within the current browser window. Crazy, I know, but bear with me. I have no idea why this should be so – I’m sure someone…