Screen capture of internet content management system WordPress

My life in the internet

A career based around content management systems and online communication.

I’ve been designing and creating websites for nearly 30 years, and working with WordPress for over 20 years.

Website projects using content management systems are the main focus of my professional career and I have contributed to the WordPress community as a theme and plugin developer, translation editor and WordCamp speaker and co-organizer since 2009. My open-source plugins are currently being used on over 30,000 websites and I run and maintain the Swiss WordPress Community website.

I develop and manage website projects, web apps and API integrations at Swiss web agency Say Hello, supporting clients directly and providing technical and conceptual support to partner agencies.

…oh, and if you’re interested: the very site you’re reading has been online since 2003, with the first of the current content being published in 2004.

Meetup Basel, 2024
Presenting our work and the possibilities of the WordPress content management system for building company websites at the WordPress Meetup in Basel, April 2024.

Programming and design

I’ve either conceived, designed, developed or collaborated on the following projects as part of my work for my employers.

Screenshot of Gantrisch website
Integration of two APIs to the website of a national nature area, drawing data from third-party systems. (Say Hello, 2023)
Single-page application for a garage’s used vehicle selection using the WordPress REST API and React (Say Hello, 2020)
Screenshot of
Design and programming of a website with course management and CRM synchronisation (Say Hello, 2019)
Custom website design and programming for a multilingual online shop (Say Hello, 2019)
Deep integration of Gutenberg blocks using React and custom web components. (Say Hello, since 2018)
Interactive map with geolocation, search and a reactive list of club locations (cubetech, 2018)
Fast turn-around development of a media-intensive multilingual website for a major Swiss p.r. agency (cubetech, 2018)
Screenshot of the Sportamt Bern website
Dynamic frontend elements using AngularJS and the WordPress REST API (cubetech, 2017)
Design and programming of an international multilingual WordPress multisite network and social media collator (Burson-Marsteller, 2008)

Conference presentations

I have presented at WordCamp events in Switzerland several times, sharing my experience and design review techniques.