Posts from the category Documentary photography
In most places in the mountains, even heavily-touristed spots like Creux-du-Van, visitors are left to their own common sense when it comes to health and safety. Fences and walkways seem to only be installed where it’s really necessary, although I can’t quite fathom when the decision is made. This allows one the chance to experience…
I’ve never really been one for creating “fine art” from my photographs, but I have always loved producing prints. There’s something deeply nostalgic and satisfying about spending time creating a really good photographic print, then selecting the best paper (a lustre-effect one by my preference) and creating a proper photographic print to pore over. In…
Walking on a snow-shoe path without snow-shoes is usually OK, as long as the snow has been well-compacted by plenty of feet. But sometimes, your foot finds a soft bit and you suddenly find yourself knee-deep.
Instagram is where the audience is, but not every photo is suitable for Instagram. Highly-detailed images get lost amongst the pouting girls and gaudy sunsets. These photos deserve to be viewed larger.
Half-an-hour later, the only thing which had changed was the number of Swiss men standing looking at it.
Taking good, “nice” photographs of beautiful surroundings is like shooting fish in a barrel when you live somewhere as beautiful as Switzerland. Even going for a lunchtime constitutional with an iPhone in your pocket, you can take a couple of snaps of the magnificent lake view. Share them on social media, where they get lost…
Everyone sees photos differently. Some simply see a place they know or blots on the landscape like electricity pylons and motorways, whilst others see a sunset or sunrise and the beauty of a single cloud, illuminated in a beautiful colour. The same photo can conjure up myriad memories for myriad people, whilst remaining completely boring…
I met with a client yesterday at their modern office in a part of central Bern which is a former hipster area and which is plagued by graffiti artists and substance abusers. Although the building is new and freshly-finished with some attractive brickwork, it’s only a matter of time before it, too, will be sprayed…
The Images Festival of Visual Arts is the only open air photographic festival in Switzerland, which takes place in the picturesque town of Vevey, on the shores of Lake Geneva, every two years.
We spent much of the Christmas and New Year break in Letham, a small town in Angus, Scotland, where Jo grew up. Just after New Year, we took Archie, the family dog, for a walk around the town and Jo showed me places from her childhood as the evening set in and more snow fell.
A gallery from the 2005 techno- and rave parade through the streets of Zürich, Switzerland.
One of my pictures in 1993 was of the unique tiling at Chalk Farm on the Northern Line, late one evening.
As is pretty common for me, I have once again decided to shift things around here at Permanent Tourist.
A great moment as a family’s dog can barely contain himself on the way to the beach.
Starting with a long journey to the Aeolian Islands and pre-wedding drinks on a tempestuously windy hotel terrace, Jo and I had a great time at my oldest friend Brent’s wedding to his Italian sweetheart, Marta.
Cracking photo by my mum, of my dad, me and Jo on the Nufenenpass last weekend.