Saint Tarcisius School, Camberley

“New Eagle” comic from March 1982, with the free space spinner which I lost…

Six years before this photo was taken, and after moving up the road from St. Gregory’s primary school in Yorktown, I learned to swim in the icy outdoor pool in front of the middle building, played with toy cars in the sand and roots of the reddish tree in the middle of the picture, lost a Dan Dare “space spinner” on the roof of the building behind the trees, and skirmished to the obelisk in the woods on top of the hill without permission.

The school was re-located and re-named to St. Augustine’s in 1996, whereupon the buildings were demolished and replaced by a red-brick housing estate.

Credit: school photos from Camberley Memories on Facebook.

Main school building; photo via Camberley Memories on Facebook
Camberley Obelisk in 2017; photo by Stephen Poole on Flickr
Photo via Camberley Memories on Facebook
The swimming pool in 1980. Photo via Camberley Memories on Facebook
The playground. I remember language lessons with Mr. Bruce in the building to the left. Photo via Camberley Memories on Facebook
Photo via Camberley Memories on Facebook
Photo via Camberley Memories on Facebook
Photo via Camberley Memories on Facebook
Photo via Camberley Memories on Facebook
The private house, before it became a school. Photo via Camberley Memories on Facebook
The private house, before it became a school. Photo via Camberley Memories on Facebook

St. Gregory’s Primary School, Camberley

If you’re on a wander down memory lane, you might like this post about the nearby former primary school on Camberley’s London Road.

St. Gregory’s Primary School, Camberley

17 responses to “Saint Tarcisius School, Camberley”

  1. Brian McCann avatar
    Brian McCann

    Hi Mark, do you know what year the St Tars photo was taken?

    1. Mark Howells-Mead avatar

      1986, I think. Try contacting the Camberley Memories page on Facebook:

  2. Brian McCann avatar
    Brian McCann

    I have very fond memories of this school, sister Placidus was the head Mistress supported by sister Bartholemew. Mr Spellman was the science teacher and of course the Legendary PE teacher Mr Bruce. What a lovely gentle school it was, the quiet before the storm, the storm being All Hallows

    1. James Kemp avatar
      James Kemp

      Oh my god, Brian McCann! I’m sure you were in my class all or most of the way through- Were you a skinny blonde haired kid with a north (?) Irish accent? I can remember Mrs Cole’s class -C3… And Sister Bartholemew took D4. I was the fat kid who sat next to a bad lad called Jon Baldari & used to hang out with two other James’s-Knight & Prendergast. Mr Bruce picked me up by my ears once but tbf is veg him 10p he couldn’t.

      1. Vienna Crimes avatar
        Vienna Crimes

        I remember you James!! I am Vienna Crimes. Fun times we had!!

      2. Vienna Crimes avatar
        Vienna Crimes

        Mr Spellman was brilliant in his white coat! Ms Cole, English teacher? Mr Bruce wsys was Father Christmas! St Placidus..
        Very strict and Sister Bartholomew ….I loved her …she used to say to me in a thick Irish accent ” Well you’re not trying hard enough now are you Vienna?” …..she was right..I wasn’t! :))))

        1. Mirek Gliniecki avatar
          Mirek Gliniecki

          Only just found this – definitely need more photos of St. Tars! Brian, James, Vienna, I remember all of you, good memories – Mr Spelman, Mr Bruce – “x-country” runs up to the Obelisk! James- I remember you reciting Shakespeare at breaktime before anyone really knew who he was!

  3. Brian McCann avatar
    Brian McCann

    Yes I was that skinny northern Irish lad. I remember you well James and John Baldari. I mostly sat with Paddy Flattery. Mr Bruce was a legend. My most common memory was standing on the landing area outside the school office and sister placidus office in detention. How are you doing these days James?

  4. Gemma McCafferty avatar
    Gemma McCafferty

    I have looked for info online for years about St. Tarcisius as i went to school there but left as my dad was based at Sandhurst military for his final station and her retired from the military. I also went to st Gregory’s too. Sad that cant find more photos as would love to show my children more of the school i went to before moving to where we still live today. Thank you

  5. Martyn Merry avatar
    Martyn Merry

    Is the school still open? I was there in the early to mid 80s.

    1. Mark Howells-Mead avatar

      I remember that we were in the same class! No, the school was demolished; there is a housing estate there now.

  6. Al Hirons avatar
    Al Hirons

    I was there between 1965 and 1972. My favourite teacher was Mrs Mace. Mrs Hoppe was also lovely for music classes.

    1. Yvonne C Omisore Harvey avatar
      Yvonne C Omisore Harvey

      You must have been in my sisters class. Louise Harvey. I am Yvonne Harvey

    2. Richard Naef avatar
      Richard Naef

      I was there between mid 60s to early 70s, when I was sent to St John’s in Woking.

      Mr Mackay was the Head Master, less said about him the better.

      My memory is shot by too many years of pleasant over indulgence, but I vaguely remember a Hirons, was it Alistair or Albert, apologies if I’ve got that wrong :)

      I’m Richard Naef – “Naefo” or “that weird kid over there”

    3. Richard Naef avatar
      Richard Naef

      Mrs Mace was my first love (obvs unrequited) me and Sean Kerwick were obsessed by her.

  7. Mark Howells-Mead avatar

    If you’re subscribed to comments on this post about the former St. Tarcisius school in Camberley, you might like a couple of new photos I’ve added today.

  8. Felicia Kalb avatar
    Felicia Kalb

    I’m looking for anybody who might have know my mom or my aunt. Last name would have been gramlich. I’m not really sure what years she would have been there but she was born in 61.

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