The simple things

Family playing on the glacial run-off sands at the Moiry glacier

I took this snapshot with my iPhone at the weekend, whilst hiking near the Moiry glacier in Swiss canton Wallis. It struck me at the time as being an example of what I have come to feel is important in life. Life’s not usually about the huge things, but the small things.

The landscape in the shot is remarkable; rock which has been crushed over millennia by frozen water, to reduce it to the size of fine sand. Then the actions of man have combined with the natural progress of the Earth and taken over to melt the ice, exposing the remains of what used to be a part of the African continent but which is now in the middle of Europe.

But amongst all this drama and huge forces and unfathomable time, a family of six people and their dog chose to spend quarter of an hour on a Sunday afternoon playing and drawing patterns in the sand.

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