Technical case study: simple, invisible language switching

Screenshot of Kipfer holiday apartment, Faulensee, Switzerland

The family which owns the house in which we live converted the lower ground floor to a holiday apartment in 2016. After advertising it on AirBNB, it has been highly successful. Although almost all of the bookings come through AirBNB (or the local tourist office), I thought that I might as well use their purchase of a website domain for emails to make a simple splash page for them, which links to the AirBNB page for the apartment. More as a quick exercise in web design than anything. At some point, I may extend the site to contain more detailed information for guests, but that’ll have to wait for now.

My language preferences

Because guests from many countries visit, I thought I’d try a simple approach to making sure that each visitor sees the splash page in the language which makes sense to them. Web browsers give you the option to set the languages you understand in order of preference (example for Google Chrome). A website can refer to these and either redirect you – which is most common – or simply load different content.

The splash page in question automatically displays the content and the appropriate multilingual links to AirBNB in English, German or French – calling this information through a PHP cURL request to a remote WordPress REST API.

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