Posts from July 2017

  • Catching the ship from Faulensee to Sundlauenen, hiking through the forest past St. Beatus Caves to Merligen, and then home by paddle steamer.

  • Die neue Landeskarte der Schweiz

    Einblicke in die neueste Technik der Aufbereitung und Speicherung topografischer Daten und deren Nutzung in der heutigen digitalen Welt. Der Film gibt ausserdem einen interessanten Überblick über die neue Grafik der Schweizer Landeskarte.

  • Photos from a wet night-time walk from Tate Modern to Southwark, via London Bridge and Tower Bridge, in 2014.

  • The Petite Camargue Alsacienne is a French nature reserve along the Rhine, just north of the border with Switzerland. It was founded in 1982 as a protected habitat by the French government and is named for the huge nature reserve seven hundred kilometres away, on the shores of the Mediterranean. We visited a couple of…