Kilmuir Easter Church

Kilmuir Easter Church, Scotland

The only remains of antiquity that stood in this parish, were last year removed.  In the place of Delny, once a principal seat of the Earls of Ross, stood the ruins of a Romish chapel on a pleasant bank surrounded by graves.  This spot has been deserted as a burying place for many years; and the present farmer (not adverting to the impropriety of such a measure) carried away all the stones to build his farm house, and the rubbish to meliorate his land and ploughed up the burying ground, with an intention to make it an addition to a corn field.  The present incumbent, having heard of this species of sacrilege, visited the spot, and found it covered with the bones of the dead, turned up by the plough.  The indelicacy of his conduct was represented to the farmer; and he was persuaded to collect the reliques, and to deposit them again in the earth; and he solemnly engaged to draw lines round the sacred spot to erect a stone in the middle with suitable inscription, to sow down the spot with grass seeds, and never moreto disturb the manes of his fathers.

Rev. John Matherson, between 1791-99

A fuller history can be found here.

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