Posts from February 2017

  • After six years with my current employer, the time has come to move into a role which better suits my abilities and which will provide me with new challenges. I’m really excited that I’ve been asked to join WordPress agency Cubetech in Bern as Head of Development.

  • Spending money on an informed, experienced website concept document will usually work out cheaper than trying to battle through for days on your own. It will also mean that the end result will be more reliable and more likely to properly present your business online.

  • Melchsee-Frutt, Switzerland

    Abrupt sunsets

    Sunsets in the mountains are different from those over flatter landscapes.

  • Why the software you love may not always be the right one for the project at hand, and how you can recognize and plan for it.

  • A spring-like day and an afternoon stroll around a little village on the shore of Lake Brienz.

  • The desk at my third employer in Switzerland isn’t in as nice an office as the white-and-red-brick one at Burson-Marsteller, and the view – of a car park and dusty four-storey apartment block common to the Breitenrain district – isn’t a patch on the one I had of the lake and the mountains in Brienz. Nevertheless,…

  • In 2016, 27% of all of the websites on the internet were powered by WordPress. That’s 8 times more than Joomla, 12 times more than Drupal, and 70 times more than TYPO3.

  • There are a few ways to apply CSS styling rules to an element. Each one is less or more specific than another. Applying a rule using a class selector when you’ve applied a different rule using an ID selector won’t work. Batificity isn’t the CSS specificity guide you deserve, but the one you need right now,…

  • A short post to help anyone who is looking to implement a responsive HTML imagemap, which also features an interactive highlighting function.

  • Grindelwald by night – a timelapse

    A overnight timelapse of the view across the valley from Grindelwald First.

  • Gretna Green, Scotland

    The small town of Gretna Green, which lies alongside the M6/A74M on the border between Scotland and England, is one of the most popular wedding destinations in the world.

  • One man, one camera, 6,000 miles

    The Perimeter is a photography project by Quintin Lake, based on walking 10,000km around the coast of Britain in sections. The journey started on 17th April 2015 at St Paul’s cathedral.