Memories of Thirlmere

An old haunt, which I first visited in very similar conditions in the mid 1990s. This weather and this landscape were where I first began trying to take “proper” landscape photos using a Mamiya C330 on loan from a friend and mentor.

I used to drive around the English Lake District fairly aimlessly, looking for views and sitting parked up at deserted viewpoints; listening to audio books on cassette and eating sandwiches whilst hoping beyond hope for the clouds to break and for a change in the weather to give me a photographic chance.

Near this spot, I ventured out into the mountainous (hilly) landscape on my own for the first time; donning waterproofs and solid boots to slog my way up steep paths to get better views.

This photo was shot in January 2012, a day after my fortieth birthday and around fifteen years after my first visit. I didn’t know back in the 1990s that I would be so drawn to such damp and unpromising places to take photographs, and that I would be so happy with the results.

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