Film is fab

I spent an hour-and-a-half reading back through the archives of Ashley Pomeroy’s blog, after finding it by chance when lusting over photos of Yashica-Mat 124G twin lens reflex film cameras. The photos on the blog are really atmospheric and for the photographic geeks amongst you, there is a plethora of information relating to the array of cameras Ashley uses. I particularly like the set of portraits from Brompton Cemetery and the recent shots from Milan’s main station.

Seeing medium format scanned images like these remind me to put the digital cameras aside and re-visit the shots I took with my Mamiya about three years ago – although I was out of practice with film and they’re not that good – and the much more pleasing photos I took with my beloved Yashica-Mat twin lens reflex camera. The latter is now sadly consigned to a display shelf at home, after the focusing mechanism broke irreparably a few years back.

(Main photo: Choo Choo photographed with a Mamiya 645 in 2009.)

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