Posts from 2012



    A song for the end of the world.

  • Photo sharing

    The latest version of the mobile phone app from Flickr, released yesterday, helps me to continue to prune my photo sharing accounts elsewhere.

  • Such a backlog

    A shot from a late autumn drive through the Jura mountains on the way home from Basel; one of many, many photos in a backlogged queue of shots I’d like to share.

  • The latest article at A List Apart is a must-read for anyone serious about developing and running a website which should attract visitors who speak languages other than English.

  • Fans of Switzerland and train travel in the Alps shouldn’t miss a recent episode of Great Continental Railway Journeys by the BBC.

  • Local lake shipping company BLS now runs a daily ship service in the winter months.

  • Upright and proud

    The new, re-designed website is now online and is automatically optimized for visitors with iPads and smartphones. One of the aspects of the design is an improvement to how images in vertical format are displayed.

  • When is unauthorized use of a photograph not a breach of copyright? When the photo is too banal to be protected. So says the Swiss Federal Tribunal.

  • If you’re like me, a web developer, and programme responsive web layouts using @media queries, you’ll often get lost knowing precisely which set of rules are currently applied to the page. Here’s a handy tip to make things easier.

  • Barbara Hess organized the fourth in an annual series of studio days for this afternoon in Bern, Switzerland, to which anyone could come along and get a free portrait photo taken for their online profile pages. I took my X100 along for the afternoon and took photos “behind the scenes”, whilst Barbara and George Eberle did all the hard work.…

  • The Six Year Itch

    I have finally been able to completely re-build this website from the ground up, using responsive design principles and many new features. This first technical post summarizes the reasons behind the need for a new version.

  • I re-discover the web technology podcast “Big Web Show” and look forward to hearing all of the back episodes.

  • In order to help me retain focus on project work, documentation and online authoring, I have found iA Writer, a text editor by Information Architects, really useful. As creator Oliver Reichenstein said in a recent article, authors – especially those writing for online publication – often spend far too much time formatting their text instead…

  • Pradaschier toboggan run

    The dry toboggan run at Pradaschier, in the southern Swiss alps, is touted as being the longest in Europe.

  • There is now a legal requirement in the E.U. that websites which use cookies to collect anonymous and non-anonymous visitor data clarify just how this information is gathered. So I’ve put together this information on your privacy and how cookies are implemented on this website. Please let me know – in the comments or via…

  • Upside-down sun

    The sun, projected through small holes in our window blinds, cast a mirror image of itself on our bedroom wall.

  • Glorious Corners

    I adore the way that the road curves around the boulder, how a single tree grows from the top of this boulder, how the road is cambered to lean cars into the centre of the bend, how there’s a small parking place next to a well in the middle of the hairpin, and how there…

  • Work In Progress

    A random image to keep you interested, while I continue to work on a new layout and technical features for the website.

  • The “other” village of Brienz, which we came across by chance when on holiday in Graubünden recently.

  • Inspired by Adams

    A small set of black and white landscape photographs, shot on an overcast day in the Lauterbrunnen Valley.

  • A gathering of Edelweiss on the Flower Path at Mürren.