2011 begins as 2010 did; cold, wintry and with snow on the ground. I’ve had a lovely week with my parents over Christmas and am now catching up on a wealth of things, as Jo is at work and I’ve had enough of touring around the country for the time being. On my list of things to do is my annual look back at the past year.

I’ve tried a number of times over the past few weeks to make a start on this review, but it’s just too difficult to write in detail, due to the terrible loss of my sister in March. Instead, I have collated some of my favourite images of the past twelve months and will show, through them, my happier memories of the year.

And finally: the biggest thanks I can muster must go to my lovely, tolerant, patient and supportive wife Jo, without whom the unbearableness of some moments of the past year have been made bearable. A fuller set of photographs which summarize my year is now online in my Flickr photostream.

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