Suisse Majestic, Montreux – Valerie


I went on the search for indoor locations across Switzerland a while back, hoping to build up a list of contacts across the country to which I could return from time to time when the weather turns inclement and therefore making outdoor portrait sessions impractical. I wrote to a number of organizations and locations and one of the positive responses I received was from the Grand Hotel Suisse Majestic in Montreux. After arranging a suitable date, I arranged with my friend Valerie – who I know through online collaboration on the Swiss Peeks books and through Flickr – to meet there and join Jo and me for an afternoon of photography.

I’d primarily arranged the session to gain a further image for my One Frame Movie collection, to use the opportunity to get some nice shots of Jo, and to give Valerie – herself a very talented photographer – the opportunity to turn her own camera on Jo and myself. As it turned out, the wonderful decor and generous hospitality of the hotel marketing staff meant that we had a great deal of opportunity to shoot around the hotel. I came away with photos in a completely different style to the ones I’d expected and although this worried me before I sat down to review the results, I’m now more than pleased with the shots I got.


3 responses to “Suisse Majestic, Montreux – Valerie”

  1. Graham MS avatar
    Graham MS

    Those two with the stained glass windows are really top notch. I often find with wedding photos that things don’t turn out the way that I initially expect, but am often surprised with the resulting images. It’s good to work as the moment dictates rather than through controlled planning. That’s what I particularly like about weddings.

  2. Stephane Compagnon avatar

    hi there!

    nice pictures! if you are still looking for interesting locations, you would be welcomed at the hotel Eurotel Riviera.


    director of Eurotel Riviera

    1. Mark Howells-Mead avatar

      That’s great, thanks for the offer, Stephane!

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