Cablecar to Cassonsgrat

After switching to the iPhone a couple of months ago, I’ve been pretty pleased with the photographic results (the camera being one of the more important aspects of my mobile phones). When I remember, I’m also doing my best to take video clips which – due to my photographic tendencies – tend to end up as “Long Photos“. Meaning, a moving photograph, as opposed to a creatively directed film. This is the latest in the series, of an eight minute trip from Naraus to Cassonsgrat by cablecar, high above the village of Flims Waldhaus. A word of caution: a couple of short segments might make you feel a bit queasy, when the cablecar sways from side to side after passing a support pylon.

2 responses to “Cablecar to Cassonsgrat”

  1. gms avatar

    There’s something strangely hypnotic in watching that. I love how both you and Jo are utterly silent throughout while everyone else is constantly chattering. Don’t they know they’re being recorded?!

    1. Mark Howells-Mead avatar

      I suppose that’s an advantage of filming with a phone or small camera. If you’re unobtrusive with it, then people simply ignore you or think you’re taking photos. It took a long time for people to get used to the fact that others with mobile phones could be taking photos; it’ll be interesting to see how long it takes for the fact that many phones are video-capable to sink in amongst the general public. I guess that if you see a camera and it’s not pointing in your direction, it’s still so easy to forget that you can be heard, even if you’re not seen. Either that, or the ubiquity of video cameras in tourist destinations has led to people just not even noticing them any more.

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