Stay away from the “Delete” button

This photo is a prime example of why you should try not to delete photos from your camera’s memory card until you get home. By whittling down pictures while you are still shooting, or when you are trying to assess their merits on a tiny little screen, you always run the risk of deleting a shot which later turns out to be one you really like. This was a test exposure using off-camera flash for a much wider view (which I’ll be publishing soon) which I really like. By spending a little time polishing the shot in Photoshop, making the contrast between shade and highlight quite extreme, it immediately turns from a snap into a moody image. If I’d chosen to delete my test shots while I was still mid-shoot, concentrating on the main image instead of the extra ones taken in the stream of the afternoon, then this photo would’ve been lost.

As they say: memory is cheap! Ordering memory cards online (via price comparison websites) is a good way to go, as is checking out stores like Interdiscount and Migros Electronics. I prefer using SanDisk cards after several years of reliable experience: remember, when you’re saving money by buying cheaper or less well-known brands, that you often get what you pay for. The last thing you want to happen after a lengthy, difficult and potentially expensive photoshoot is that all the pictures on your cheaper memory card have been lost.

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