Sharing photos online

Just news on a change of how I upload and share photographs online. I have decided that as a part of the re-design of my website for 2009, I am no longer going to place copyright notices on my photos, nor am I going to place so much emphasis on selling pictures online. If people want to buy copies of my photos, use them commercially, or obtain high-resolution copies then that’d be great. But I don’t want to let the rest of the people suffer through impairing my photos with an obvious copyright mark.

To that end, I am making three changes: the first is the aforementioned lack of copyright notice; the second is the reduction of the size of photos available to my contacts on Flickr (from 900px x 600px down to 640px x 480px); and last but certainly not least, the upcoming introduction of larger sized and much more extensive galleries at, which will augment my selection at Flickr. More news to come.

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