Somesso Corporate Social Media Conference, Zurich

As part of the Burson-Marsteller Crossmedia team, I have been working closely with the organizers of the first SOMESSO Corporate Social Media Conference which is taking place in Rüschlikon ZH on Friday this week. We’ve been helping Arjen with the online aspects of promoting the conference, from integration with Twitter and Facebook to the re-coding of the website. As Arjen himself said when we met for a drink in Zürich last week, it’s quite something that the conference has gone from the first planning stages to the first conference in just four to five months. There will be good speakers at the conference from high-profile corporate speakers, as well as some well-known colleagues from the international blogging scene.

Alongside work we’re been doing in advance of the conference – which the organizers hope to repeat in London, Barcelona and Copenhagen during 2009 – I have been asked to attend as official conference photographer. I managed to borrow a 70-200 f2.8 Sigma lens (which will hopefully allow me to geet some good shots of the speakers during their presentations) from Denis, who I met through our Strobist day in Zürich a few weeks ago. Time and circumstance has conspired against me and I haven’t been able to do any test shots with this lens yet but I’m looking forward to it. Also to the conference itself, which will be a busy day (and an early start for me, as I need to travel from home) and an opportunity to meet some of the people I follow on Twitter and to get some networking done for our team.

You can see examples of my previous event photography here in the Events gallery and in my Portfolio – Events set at Flickr.

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