Long Days on the rails

I received a letter from my new employer today, detailing the first weeks of my employment and lots of interesting sessions they have planned, from “getting to know you” time in the office in Bern to “an hour with the CEO” at the Zürich office. Starting on my first day, I have meetings and sessions with a range of people in a range of locations, the furthest away of which will be on my second Monday with the company in the Zürich office. I had known in advance that I would be travelling from time to time on business; in fact, that was one of the things which interests me about the job. Knowing that I will have to be on the train from home at 6.25 a.m. on a Monday morning, and in Zürich by 8.00 a.m., does cast a slightly different and more realistic hue on the glass of my rose-tinted optics, but the premise remains the same. I shall be on the iron road with my camera and iPod, with a book, and occasionally with my laptop. Once the new adventure has begun, I shall know how much of my new monthly income will be given over to in-transit entertainment.

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